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Artists  The Oddness

Label  Sofa Beats

The Oddness skillfully navigates the musical spectrum, effortlessly merging genres to create a transcendent experience that appeals to electronic music connoisseurs and newcomers alike.

'Wisdom' is a testament to The Oddness's innovative approach to production, pushing the boundaries of sound while staying true to his unique artistic vision.

Each track carries its own distinctive energy, blending lush soundscapes, intricate rhythms, and thought-provoking melodies.
With a tracklist fea...

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The Oddness skillfully navigates the musical spectrum, effortlessly merging genres to create a transcendent experience that appeals to electronic music connoisseurs and newcomers alike.

'Wisdom' is a testament to The Oddness's innovative approach to production, pushing the boundaries of sound while staying true to his unique artistic vision.

Each track carries its own distinctive energy, blending lush soundscapes, intricate rhythms, and thought-provoking melodies.
With a tracklist featuring three mesmerizing original mixes, this release promises to transport listeners to uncharted realms of electronic music exploration.

1. Wisdom (Original Mix)
2. Arriving Nowhere (Original Mix)
3. Future Nomad (Original Mix)